Wednesday 14 December 2011


Sitting in a cold flat on the Fife coast drinking tea waiting for the hills to be in full winter conditions. boardam takes over any climber will tell you that this time of year is the most frustration to cold to crag climb no ice or snow around yet what to do? Plan you next big expedition of course :-). But where to go what to climb? The Himalayas or of course appealing but there is so much red tape unless you pay to go on an organised expedition which were no to interested in, we go to the Alps every year anyway. I want something different. After a few hours of searching around on-line I decided Denali (Mount McKinley) would be what we set my sights on, why? well for a start its one of the seven summits, its remote, only 56% of attempts in 2011 where successful so it is a challenge, it is the coldest mountain in the would and look at it its beautiful.
So after a quick work out of costs of equipment, transport, food and accommodation its going to be expensive. so we have decided to apply to several diffrent companies for funding and sponsorship. This is where a blog comes in not only will this blog be updated daily during the climb but will also be used to review all the equipment used during the expedition, who has given us funding and or sponsorship, and all other relevant infomation so you will have a better idea where to start when planing you expedition. Articles will also be submitted to ukclimbing and other on-line reviewing web sites, Several climbing magazines and local newspapers. 

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